Friday 22 March 2013

Similaries in "Araby" and "Eveline"

The stories "Araby" and "Eveline", both written by James Joyce have a lot of similaries. The two stories are set in Ireland and surrounds different people who are outsiders in their society. They both dream of how they wish their life was.

In both stories, the boy and Eveline, both wish they could live their lives differently. The boy is infatuated with Mangan's sister, and he believes this is love. He goes to the Araby to buy her a gift, which he thinks Mangan's sister wants and hopes this will mean shes loves him too. While Eveline who is in love with Frank, and wants to run away with him, thinks of her brother and abusive father. Both these characters are looking for a way out of their lives, or a way to make it better.

Both characters have a meltdown just when they have a way out of their lives, and wouldn't see themselves as outsiders anymore. They both second guess themselves and what they feel, the boy second guessed whether he should buy Mangan's sister the gift, and if she actually asked for it. Eveline questions if she really wants to leave her brother and father and go against her promise to her dead mother.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Candance,

    I think you've honed in well on some of thematic similarities of the two stories.
